New show ‘Stitches’ 4* review
Smut review Voice Mag 4*
Smut review I Talk Telly 4*
Smut review one4review 4*
Smut review Funny Women 4*
Smut review Chortle 4*
New Comedian of the Year review: David Eagle's dark humour triumphs in contest of the funniest new stars
Never has the saying “everyone’s a comedian” felt more true. Fifteen aspiring stars competed in the New Comedian of the Year final and it is likely that many will be TV regulars in a few years.
Leicester Square Theatre New Act Of The Year 2019 Final
Too much? Fifteen comedians on one new act final might feel like overkill, but no act seemed undeserving of their place…
Bleeding funny Comics in new BBC series about menstruation
The BBC is making a new series based entirely around period jokes.
“10 things I love about Mooncups!” Guest Post by Lily Phillips
I have loved Mooncup menstrual cups pretty much as soon as I saw them. Love at first sight does exist!
Feminism is a Dirty Word
I made this video to challenge sexual double standards and misogynistic language in music.
My First Period.
You’ll be pleased to know that I don’t actually remember a lot about my first period.